Science is an imaginative adventure of the mind seeking truth in a world of mystery.
Sir Cyril Herman Hinshelwood

Monday, April 9, 2012

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Overview pg.431
This chapter covers work, power, and the mechanical advantage of machines.  This chapter then explores the six simple machines and relates work to energy, and distinguishes between different forms of energy.  Finally, energy transformations, the conservation of energy, and the efficiency of machines are covered.

Students will be able to explain the following:
Chapter 13 Section 1 Work, Power, and Machines
1.      How is work calculated?
2.      What is the relationship between work and power?
3.      How do machines make work easier?
Chapter 13 Section 2 Simple Machines
1.      What are the six types of simple machines?
2.      What are the two principal parts of all leavers?
3.      How does using an inclined plane change the force required to do work?
4.      What simple machines make up a pair of scissors?
Chapter 13 Section 3 What is Energy?
1.      What is the relationship between energy and work?
2.      Why is potential energy called energy of position?
3.      What factors does kinetic energy depend on?
4.      What is nonmechanical energy?
Chapter 13 Section 4 Conservation of Energy
1.      How does energy change?
2.      What is the law of conservation of energy?
3.      How much of the work done by a machine is actually useful work?

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