Science is an imaginative adventure of the mind seeking truth in a world of mystery.
Sir Cyril Herman Hinshelwood

Friday, March 9, 2012

Chapter 11 Motion

This is a Chapter overview of what we have been doing.
Chapter 11 Pages 362-393

Chapter 11 Overview
This chapter covers motion, speed, velocity, and acceleration.  Students learn how to calculate speed and acceleration and learn to interpret both distance-time graphs and speed-time graphs.  The concept of force is also introduced, including balanced and unbalanced forces and the force of friction.

Chapter Goals- Students will be able to explain:
Chapter  11 S.1 Measuring Motion
1.      How is a frame of reference used to describe motion?
2.      What is the difference between speed and velocity?
3.      What do you need to know to find the speed of an object?
4.      How can you study speed by using graphs?
Chapter  11 S.2 Acceleration
1.      What changes when an object accelerates?
2.      How do you calculate the acceleration of an object moving in a straight line?
3.      How can a graph be used to find acceleration?
Ch 11 S.3 Motion and Force
1.      What do scientists identify as the fundamental forces of nature?
2.      What happens when there is a net force acting on an object?
3.      What force always opposes motion?
4.      Why is friction sometimes necessary?
Chapter 11 Vocab
Frame of reference
Static friction
Kinetic friction

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