Science is an imaginative adventure of the mind seeking truth in a world of mystery.
Sir Cyril Herman Hinshelwood

Monday, February 3, 2014

Feb 3-7

Weekly Lesson Plans February 3rd-7th

Monday- BR#32 Read "What are rocks good for?" pg. 755. Students will take notes and have discussion over Chapter 21 S.3 Minerals.  Homework: Students will read an article about Hydrothermal Vent Bio-communities and answer questions.

Tuesday- BR#33 1. How would you characterize a mineral? 2. List as many characteristics as you can. Students will have discussion and take notes over Chapter 21 S.3 Mineral Physical Properties and Igneous Rocks.  Homework: Students will read an article about Asbestos and answer the questions.

Wednesday- Snow Day

Thursday- Hours 1-5 will catch up on finishing any notes from packets #6, 7, and 8. Then they will watch part of the National Geographic Documentary about Yellowstone National Park Supervolcano

Hours 7 and 8 will do the lesson from Tuesday since school was let out early due to snow.

Friday- Students will watch a video clip about rocks of ages. Students will take notes and have discussion over Chapter 21 S.3 Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks. Homework: Students will read an article about Seafloor sediments and answer the questions.

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