Science is an imaginative adventure of the mind seeking truth in a world of mystery.
Sir Cyril Herman Hinshelwood

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Lesson Plans

As of 9-12, administrators want all lesson plans to be created in the same format for each teacher.  You can find the lesson plans for Mrs. Stallings Physical Science class at

Monday, September 8, 2014

Sept 8-12

Weekly Lesson Plans September 8th-12th

Monday- Students will have 5 minutes to look over their Chapter 2 vocab before the vocab quiz.  Then students will have the rest of the period to work on their Chapter 2 Study Guide that is due Wednesday.

Tuesday- Students will watch a video about the Greatest Discoveries in Chemistry.

Wednesday- Students will trade and grade their Chapter 2 Study Guide and play the Game Show Review.

Thursday- Students will take the Chapter 2 Test.  Extra Credit will be available after the test.

Friday- (half day) Students will participate in the activity about a Mystery Mixture.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Sept 1-5

Weekly Lesson Plans September 1st-5th

MondayNo School

TuesdayBR# 6 1. What is matter?  2. How can you classify matter?  Students took a pretest over Chapter 2 about matter.  Students took notes and had a discussion over Chapter 2 Section 1 about Matter.  Homework: Classifying Matter worksheet and Concept Review Worksheet.

WednesdayBR# 7 Look at Figure 1 on page 51, How many physical properties can you describe for the 3 objects in Figure 1? Students took notes and had a discussion over Chapter 2 S.2 about Physical and Chemical Properties.  Homework: Properties of Matter worksheet (both sides) and Interpreting Bar Graphs and Pie Charts worksheet.

ThursdayBR# 8 Read " Aerogel" on pg. 53. Answer Questions 1 and 2 in your journal.  I will shoe students two clips about Aerogel so they can see some of its physical and chemical properties.  Students will take notes and have discussion over Chapter 2 S.3 about Physical and Chemical Changes.  Homework: Materials to use for a Bicycle worksheet.

Friday- Density Lab. Students will be figuring out the density of six different cubes.  Based on the cube's density, students will be deciding what material each cube is made of.