Science is an imaginative adventure of the mind seeking truth in a world of mystery.
Sir Cyril Herman Hinshelwood

Monday, December 16, 2013

Dec 16-20

Weekly Lesson Plans December 16-20

Monday- Students worked on their Final Study Guide over Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 19, and 20.

Tuesday- Students worked on their Final Study Guide over Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 19, and 20.

Wed. Dec. 18                          Thurs. Dec. 19                    Fri. Dec. 20
            1st 8:10-9:54                             4th 8:10-9:54                        7th 8:10-9:54
            2nd 9:58-11:28                         5th 9:58-11:28                       8th 9:58-11:28
            Lunch                                       Lunch                                    Lunch
            3rd 12:16-1:46                           6th 12:16-1:46                      Make-ups 12:16-2:30
            Make-ups 1:50-3:20                 Make-ups 1:50-3:20

Monday, November 25, 2013

Nov 25-29

Weekly Lesson Plans November 25th-29th

Monday- BR#26 1. Describe the Nebular Hypothesis pg. 673-674. 2. Describe the Big Bang pg. 712. 3. How old is our universe? 4. How old is our sun? 5. How old is the Earth?  Students have the rest of the class period to work on putting all of their papers in their binder in order.  Binders are due with all of their papers in order on December 4th.  Binders are worth over 120 points.

Tuesday- 2:30 Dismissal. Students have the class period to work on putting all of their papers in their binder in order.  Binders are due with all of their papers in order on December 4th.  Binders are worth over 120 points.

Important Dates: 
1. December 4th Binders are due with all papers in order.  Mrs. Stallings will not grade the binder if it is not in order.
2. December 10th Journals are due with bellringers #17-26.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Nov 18-22

Weekly Lesson Plans November 18th-22nd

Monday- Ch 20 Vocab Quiz. Chapter 20 Study Guide.  Study Guide is due on Wednesday.

Tuesday- Students had half of the period to continue working on their Ch 20 Study Guide.  The students voted on a universe video.  BR#25 Students will write 10 facts from the video.

Wednesday- Students will trade and grade the Ch 20 Study Guide and then play the game show review. 

Thursday- Ch 20 Test with extra credit.

Friday- Video from The Universe Series. The Most Dangerous Places in the Universe.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Nov 11-15

Weekly Lesson Plans November 11th-15th

Monday- No School Veteran's Day

Tuesday- Students will watch a video about the Life and Death of Stars to introduce Chapter 20. BR#21 Students will write 15 facts from the video.

Wednesday- BR # 22 Read "Constellations" pg. 697 answer both questions in your journal.  Students will take notes and have discussion over Ch 20 S.1 about the life and death of stars.  Homework: Ch 20 S.1 Questons #1-7 pg. 701

Thursday- BR #23 Read " Any Aliens Out There?" pg. 701 Answer the question at the bottom of the page.  The answer should take up half a page in your journal. Students will take notes and have discussion over Ch 20 S.2.  Homework: Ch 20 S.2 Questions pg. 707 #1-7 and 9.

FridayBR # 24 Read "We're All Stars" on pg. 714 and answer questions 1 and 2 in your journal.  Students will take notes and have discussion over Ch 20 S.3 about the future of our universe.  Homework:  S.3 Review Questions pg.717 Questions #1-8.

Nov 4-8

Weekly Lesson Plans November 4th-8th

Monday- Students went outside for an activity (Planet Walk) in which they got a better understanding of how far apart the planets are and what size the planets are.

Tuesday- Students traded and graded their study guides and then played the Game Show Review.

Wednesday- Students watched a video from The Universe series called Saturn Lord of the Rings.

Thursday- Chapter 19 Test.  Extra credit will be given out after the test.

Friday- BR#20 1. What is moon light? 2. Is the moon's orbit flat?  3. During the play what is incorrect about the Earth?  4. When did astronomers realize that the Earth was round?  5. What does the moon have the  is similar to an earthquake? Students did the Chapter 20 vocab and turned it in during class 13 words pg. 721.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Oct 28- Nov 1

Weekly Lesson Plans October 28-November 1
Monday- Students will watch the 100 Greatest Discoveries in Astronomy to begin the Astronomy Unit.

Tuesday-BR# 17 Read "A Return to the Moon"pg. 659 and answer both questions in your journal.  Students will take notes over Chapter 19 S.1 about the Earth, Moon, and Sun.  Homework: Ch 19 Vocab pg. 683 14 words due Friday before the Vocab Quiz.

Wednesday- BR # 18 Read "Exploring Planets" pg. 665 answer question 1 in your journal.  Students will take notes and have discussion over Ch 19 S.2 The Inner and Outer Planets.  Homework: Chapter 19 S.2 Questions #1-8 pg. 670.

ThursdayBR #19 Read " Where are Earth's crators?" pg. 677 answer questions 1 and 2 in your journal.  Notes over chapter 19 S.3 Homework: S.3 review questions pg.679 #1-9

Friday- Ch 19 Vocab Quiz. Ch 19 Study Guide

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Oct 21-25

Weekly Lesson Plans October 21-25

Monday- Students will be in the library working on creating an Element pamphlet.  Students signed up for an element that they were interested in researching.  They are finding information about this element such as how is was discovered, who discovered it, when it was discovered, physical and chemical properties, uses, compounds, where it can be found in the world, and how it can be extracted or purified. The Brochure is due on Thursday!

Tuesday- Students will continue working on their Element pamphlet in the library.

Wednesday- Students will continue working on their Element pamphlet in the library.

Thursday- Students will continue working on their Element pamphlet in the library. The brochure will be due at the end of the class period today!

Friday- No School!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Oct 14-18

Weekly Lesson Plans October 14th-18th

Monday- No School

Tuesday-Students will take the Chapter 5 Vocab Quiz.  Then they will have the rest of the period to work on their Chapter 5 Study Guide. Study Guide is due on Thursday.

Wednesday- Students will have the first half of the period to work on their Chapter 5 Study Guide (due Thursday).  Then students will review concepts from Chapter 5 with a short video.

Thursday- Students will trade and grade their Chapter 5 Study Guide and then play the Game Show Review.

Friday- Chapter 5 Test.  This is the first test on second quarter.  There will be an extra credit puzzle after the test.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Oct 7-11

Weekly Lesson Plans October 7th-11th

MondayBR #14 What items do you put on your calander? What items appear in a regular pattern or periodic? Notes and Discussion over Chapter 5 S.1 Homework: Organizing Elements worksheet with the Chapter 5 vocab (12 words pg. 169) on the back.

TuesdayBR #15 Identify the following on the periodic table:  A. the chemical symbol for Mercury B. The period and group for Gold C. the atomic mass of Iron D. the atomic number of Neon E. the element represented by Cu  Students will take notes and have a discussion over Ch 5 S.2  Homework: Elements in your body/Magnesium

Wednesday-  BR #16 Drawing Conclusions #7 pg. 155 Students will take notes and have discussion over chapter 5 S.3 Homework: Ch 5 S.3 Concept Review/ACT Practice

Thursday-Students will watch a video about elements. Tempted to snore over the periodic table of the elements? Not after poet Roger McGough, in inspired dramatic fashion, traces the evolution of chemistry from the Greeks to present day. This program includes one feature segment and three short segments: The Elixir of Life (12 min.), European Alchemists (9 min.), The Elements of Life (22 min.), Combined Strength (5 min.)

Friday- No School

Reminders: Vocab Quiz next Tuesday and Ch 5 Test next Friday!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Sep 30-Oct 4

Weekly Lesson Plans September 30th - October 4th

Monday- students have a Chapter 3 Vocab Quiz.  Then students will work on their Chapter 3 Study Guide for the rest of the period.  Study Guide is due Thursday.

Tuesday- Students will work on their Boiling Lab in which they will be taking the temperature of water every 5 minutes until the water boils and then they will be graphing their data in a line graph.

Wednesday- BR#13 Predict what will happen to the volume of a balloon left on a sunny window sill.  What gas law predicts this result?   Students are continuting to work on their Lab.  Today they are doing Section 2 Freezing Lab. Students are testing their hypothesis by measuring the temperature of water as it boils and freezes.  Students will graph their boiling and freezing data.  Labs are due tomorrow.

Thursday- Students will trade and grade their Study Guides.  Then they will play the Game show Review to review the Chapter 3 material for the test tomorrow.

Friday- Chapter 3 Test.  There will be extra credit for students to work on when they are done with the test due Monday.

Important Date: October 10th I will be collecting students journals for the first quarter.  Students should have Bellringers #1-16. If a student has been absent they need to get the missing bellringers from a classmate or from the blog.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sep 23-27

Weekly Lesson Plans September 23th-27th

MondayBR# 9 What makes up matter? What kind of energy does all particles of matter have?  Students will take notes and have a discussion over Chapter 3 S.1 Matter and Energy.  Homework: Students will fill out the matter and energy worksheet and then define the 13 vocab works on the back pg.105

Tuesday-BR#10 Read Plasma on page 82.  Answer question 1 in your journal.  Students will have notes and discussion over Chapter 3 S.2.  Homework: Changes of state, Plasma, and Refrigerants worksheets.

Wednesday- Students will have a shortened class period due to class games.  Students will watch a video reviewing concepts about atoms, molecules, changes of state, and chemical reactions

Thursday- BR #11 Read How do submarines work pg. 95 answer both questions in your journal.  Students will take notes and have discussion over Chapter 3 S.3.  Homework: Submarines, and Swim Bladders.

Friday-BR #12 Read Why do people sweat? pg. 85 and answer question 1 in your journal.  Students will have notes and discussion over Chapter 3 S.4. Homework: Behavior of gasas, Gas Laws, and Dry Ice.

Important Dates Next Week: Monday Vocab Quiz and Students will get their Ch 3 study Guide.  Chapter 3 Test next Friday!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sep 16-20

Weekly Lesson Plans September 16th-20th

Monday- Students will perform a lab in the Chemistry Lab.  Students will try and use their knowledge about physical properties to seperate a mixture of sand, iron filings, salt, and poppy seeds.  Students will need to write down all of their materials and procedures.

Tuesday-Students will be working in the library on their Can You Seperate a Mixture? lab report.  Lab reports are due to by the end of the period on Friday.  If they are not turned in to they will get a zero.

Wednesday-Students will be working in the library on their Can You Seperate a Mixture? lab report.  Lab reports are due to by the end of the period on Friday.  If they are not turned in to they will get a zero.

Thursday-Students will be working in the library on their Can You Seperate a Mixture? lab report.  Lab reports are due to by the end of the period on Friday.  If they are not turned in to they will get a zero.

Friday-Students will be working in the library on their Can You Seperate a Mixture? lab report.  Lab reports are due to by the end of the period on Friday.  If they are not turned in to they will get a zero.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Sep 9-13

Weekly Lesson Plans September 9th-13th

Monday- Chapter 2 Vocab Quiz. Students will work on their Chapter 2 Study Guide due Wednesday.

Tuesday-Students will be taking the Discovery Test in the Library.

Wednesday- Students will trade and grade their study guide.  Then we will play the Game Show Review.

Thursday- Chapter 2 Test, extra credit puzzle 

FridayHalf Day! Students will do some mini labs about reactivity.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Sept 2-6

Weekly Lesson Plans September 2nd-6th

MondayNo School

TuesdayBR# 6 1. What is matter?  2. How can you classify matter?  Students took a pretest over Chapter 2 about matter.  Students took notes and had a discussion over Chapter 2 Section 1 about Matter.  Homework: Classifying Matter worksheet and Chapter 2 vocab words 13 words pg. 69.

WednesdayBR# 7 Look at Figure 1 on page 51, How many physical properties can you describe for the 3 objects in Figure 1? Students took notes and had a discussion over Chapter 2 S.2 about Physical and Chemical Properties.  Homework: Properties of Matter worksheet (both sides) and Interpreting Bar Graphs and Pie Charts worksheet.

ThursdayBR# 8 Read " Aerogel" on pg. 53. Answer Questions 1 and 2 in your journal.  I will show students two clips about Aerogel so they can see some of its physical and chemical properties.  Students will take notes and have discussion over Chapter 2 S.3 about Physical and Chemical Changes.  Homework: Materials to use for a Bicycle worksheet and the Concept Review over Classifying Matter.

Friday- Density Lab

Friday, August 23, 2013

Aug 26-30

Weekly Lesson Plans August 26th-30th

Monday-BR# 5 10 metric conversion problems (see power point under forms and documents).  Students will have two sheets with metric conversion problems to complete by Thursday. Homework: Metric conversion practice problems

Tuesday-Students will get 5 minutes to look over their vocab.  Students will take the chapter 1 vocab quiz.  Students will work on their study guide for the rest of the period. Homework: Chapter 1 Study Guide due Thursday!

Wednesday- Students will be watching a video called Scientific Investigations.  The video will be reviewing important concepts from chapter 1 that we have been discussing in class such as the scientific method, and measurements.  Students will have a sheet with questions to fill out during the video.  Homework: Make sure the Ch 1 Study Guide is done. Reminder: Chapter 1 Test Friday.

Thursday- Students will trade and grade their study guide then we will play the Game Show Review to get ready for the test on Friday. Homework: Study for the Chapter 1 Test.

FridayChapter 1 Test.  Extra Credit will be offered on the test.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Aug 19th-23rd

Weekly Lessons August 19th-23rd

Monday- I will check that students have a binder and a journal just for my class for 10 points.  Students will participate in a Peanut Lab in which they will be describing, measuring, weighing, and drawing a peanut that they choose out of a bowl.  The goal is to help students understand that when doing lab work they need to be very specific, descriptive, and accurate.  Students will fill out a following directions sheet to help them understand the importance of reading and following all directions.  Students will fill out a get to know you sheet and I will share with the students some of my background and interests.  Students will be assigned a Physical Science textbook. Reminder: Parent signature sheet is due on Tuesday the 20th and students can bring in Kleenex for extra credit until Aug 30th.

Tuesday- I will collect the parent signature sheet.  I will explain to students that when they write their bellringers in their journal, they need to always put the Bellringer number, write the question/s or the title for the selection that they have to read, and an answer to the question/s. BR#1 1. What is science? 2. How do scientists study the world?  Students will take notes and have discussion over Chapter 1 Section 1 The Naure of Science.  Homework: Chapter 1 Vocab on page 35, there are 15 words that need to be defined. due Wednesday.

Wednesday- I will collect the chapter 1 vocab.  BR#2 Read Leonardo da Vinci on page 13 and answer question 1 in your journal.  Students will take notes and have discussion over Chapter 1 S.2 The Way Science Works.  I will explain how to do metric conversions with the students and go over several examples. Homework: Metric Conversion Worksheet.

Thursday- I will collect the Metric Conversion Worksheet.  BR #3 Read "How the Gateway Arch was Built" on page 29.  Answer both questions in your journal.  Students will take notes and have a discussion over Chapter 1 S.3 Organizing Data.  I will explain to the students how to calculate scientific notation and significant figures and give examples.  Homework: Concept Review: Organizing Data.

Friday- I will collect the Concept Review: Organizing Data.  BR#4 1. Record all of the observations you can about the unlit candle.  2. Record all of the observations you can about the lit candle.  Students will complete the Measurement Lab.  Homework: Metric conversions on the Measurement Lab.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Aug 12-16

Weekly Lesson Plans
August 12th-16th

Monday- No School

Tuesday- No School

Wednesday- Teachers Institute

Thursday- Students will get an assigned seat.  I will go over the class syllabus (this is posted on the right side if you want to check it out and see what the students will be learning and doing this year).
Extra Credit: bring in 2 kleenex boxes for 10pts any time starting Friday the 16th until Friday the 30th.
Homework: Get a notebook (journal) and a 3 ring binder just for my class.  I will check that you have both for 10 points on Monday the 19th. If students cannot get these supplies they need to talk to me before class on Monday (I have extras for those who cannot get them).

Friday- I will go over classroom rules with the students (also posted on the right).  I will also be going over how late passes work in my class, how to write a lab report, and how to outline a chapter.  Students will get sheets for all of these topics and they will be expected to keep all of them in their binder.
Homework: Students will get a parent signature sheet.  Their second assignment is to share my classroom rules with you and have you sign the sheet stating that you both have read and understand my rules especially the late passes.  The sheet is due at the beginning of class on Tuesday the 20th for 10 points.

Welcome to the 2013-2014 School Year!

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to my blog!  The purpose for creating this blog is to help connect you with what is going on in my classroom. I will be posting weekly lesson plans, chapter summaries, chapter notes, pictures, and other important information about the class and science in the news. I hope that all of this information is helpful to you.

Mrs. Stallings

Sunday, May 12, 2013

May 13-17

Weekly Lesson Plans May 13th-17th

Monday- Students will work on their Study Guide for the final.  The study Guide covers Chapters 21, 22, 11, 12, 13.  Study Guides will be collected on the day of the final for a grade.

Tuesday- Students will work on their Study Guide for the final.  The study Guide covers Chapters 21, 22, 11, 12, 13.  Study Guides will be collected on the day of the final for a grade.

Wednesday- Students will work on their Study Guide for the final.  The study Guide covers Chapters 21, 22, 11, 12, 13.  Study Guides will be collected on the day of the final for a grade.

Thursday- Students will work on their Study Guide for the final.  The study Guide covers Chapters 21, 22, 11, 12, 13.  Study Guides will be collected on the day of the final for a grade.

Friday- Finals Day 1. 1st-3rd hours.

Monday, May 6, 2013

May 6-10

Weekly Lesson Plans May 6th-10th

Monday- Students will observe a light demonstration.  They will be looking at samples of elements and observing what color they give off when electricity is ran through them, and what colors they see when looking at the elements with a specrtascope. Students will answer questions during the demo.

Tuesday- Students will outline Chapter 16 about light. Outline is due on Wednesday.

Wednesday- Binders are Due with all papers in order.  Students will begin watching October Sky. There is a video sheet that goes along with the video.

Thursday- Journals are due #37-50. Students will continue watching October Sky.

Friday- Students will finish watching October Sky. No homework for the weekend.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

April 29-May 3

Weekly Lesson Plans April 29th-May 3rd

Monday- Students will trade and grade their Chapter 13 Study Guide.  Then we will play the Game Show Review. Chapter 13 Test is Tuesday.

Tuesday- Chapter 13 Test over Work, Power, Energy, Mechanical Advantage and Simple Machines. Extra Credit will be given after the test.

Wednesday- Binder Day.  Students need to bring their binder with all of their papers.  I will give the students a order sheet and they will have the rest of the period to work on putting their papers in order.  Binders are due Wednesday May 8th.

Thursday- BR#50 Observe the mouse trap game.  List three objects and explain what simple machines they represent. Students will take notes over Rube Goldberg.  They will watch some video clips about Rube Goldberg Machines.  Homework: Rube Goldberg Information sheet. BR#50 is the last bellringer.  Students will turn in their Journals on Thursday May 9th with BR#37-50.

Friday- Half day 11:30 dismissal.  Students will watch two clips about Newton's Laws and Egg Drop demos.  Then students will have the opportunity to try the Egg Drop Demo with 1, 2, 3, or 4, eggs. No homework.

Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22-26

Weekly Lesson Plans April 22nd-26th

Monday- BR # 47   What simple machines do you think Egyptians used to build the Pyramids?  Watch teh United Streaming clip about building the pyramids.  Students will complete the Simple Machines Lab 1 about  using incline planes.  They will be figuring out the Mechanical Advantage of several incline planes.  Homwork: Ch 13 S.2 Review pg. 443 #1-8.

Tuesday- BR # 48 Watch the video clip and write down as many examples as you can for levers, pulleys, and wheels and axels. Students will take notes and have discussion over Chapter 13 S.3.  Homework: Students will have a worksheet about Ch 13 S.3 Energy

Wednesday- BR # 49 Write the unites for the following: speed, distance, time, acceleration, force, mass, momentum, weight, work, power, mechanical advantage, energy, and efficiency. Students will take notes and have discussion over Chapter 13 S.4.  Homework: Chapter 13 S.4 Review pg. 461 #1-9

Thursday- Chapter 13 Vocab Quiz, Chapter 13 Study Guide due Monday.

Friday- Students will watch the Mythbusters Youth Challenge. Homework: Finish the Chapter 13 Study Guide for Monday.

Monday, April 15, 2013

April 15-19

Weekly Lesson Plans April 15th-19th

Monday A day classes 1-4 in the morning. BR # 45 Read : What machines are used on bikes?" pg. 435 Answer both questions in your journal. Students will take notes and have discussion over Chapter 13 S.1.  Homework will be a worksheet with the ch 13 vocab and mechanical advantage practice problems.

Tuesday B day classes 5-8 in the morning.  BR # 45 Read : What machines are used on bikes?" pg. 435 Answer both questions in your journal. Students will take notes and have discussion over Chapter 13 S.1.  Homework will be a worksheet with the ch 13 vocab and mechanical advantage practice problems.

Wednesday A day classes 1-4 in the morning.  BR # 46 Write down as many examples as you can for incline planes, wedges, and screws.  Students will do a power output lab and work on the ch 13. S. 1 concept review.

Thursday B day classes 5-8 in the morning.  BR # 46 Write down as many examples as you can for incline planes, wedges, and screws.  Students will do a power output lab and work on the ch 13. S. 1 concept review.

Friday- Mentoring Day.  Students will watch a 24 minute video clip about the Physics of Roller Coasters.  Then students will take notes and have discussion on Ch 13 S.2. Homework: Ch 13 S.2 Concept Review

Monday, April 8, 2013

April 8-12

Weekly Lesson Plans April 8th-12th

Monday- Students will watch a video clip reviewing the projectile motion lab from last week.  Students will have the rest of the class period to work on the Chapter 12 Study Guide.  Chapter 12 starts on pg. 397. Study Guide is due on Thursday.  Chapter 12 Test is on Friday.

Tuesday- Students will start the Balloon Rocket Lab.  Students will be using their previous knowledge of measurement, speed, distance, and time.  They will be incorporating how Newton's laws play into the rockets.

Wednesday- Students will be finishing the balloon rocket lab from Tuesday.

Thursday- Students will trade and grade the Chapter 12 Study Guide and then play the review game.

Friday- Chapter 12 Test with extra credit puzzle.

Monday, April 1, 2013

April 1-5

Weekly Lesson Plans April 1st-5th

Monday- BR# 40 Read "How do air bags work?" pg. 399 Answer both questions in your journal. Students will take notes and have discussion over Chapter 12 S.1 Forces.  Homework- Chapter 12 S.1 Questions that deal with Newton's 1st and 2nd laws and force, mass, acceleration problems.

Tuesday- BR#41 Read Black Holes pg.411 answer question 1 in your journal.  Students will have notes and discussion over Chapter 12 S.2 about Gravity.  Homework: Worksheet about Newton's 1st and 2nd laws and Gravity.

Wednesday- BR #42 Read “Integrating Space Science” on page 404.  Use a 58kg person for the weight in your bellringer. Students will explore projectile motion with the Monkey Hunter Lab. Homework: Lab questions.

Thursday- BR # 43 Read How Rockets work pg. 416 answer question 1 in your journal.  Students will watch several youtube clips about Newton's 1st and 2nd laws dealing with an egg drop demo.   Students will take notes and have discussion over Chapter 12 S.3 about Newton's 3rd Law. Homework: Worksheet about Newton's 3rd law of motion and Momentum problems.

Friday- BR# 44
1. List 3 forces your can feel.
2. What was the distance, time, and average speed of the bungee jumper's first decent?
3. What changes speed?
4. What is the downward force acting on a skydiver?
5. What is the force pushing up on the plane?
Students will answer the questions while watching a video.  Homework: Worksheet with Chapter 12 vocab and some problems with force.

Reminder: Chapter 12 Test will be next Friday the 12th.

Monday, March 18, 2013

March 18-22

Weekly Lesson Plans March 11th-22nd

Monday- Students will have the entire period to work on their Chapter 11 Study Guide about Motion.  The chapter starts on pg. 365. S.1 is about speed, distance, and time.  S.2 pg 372 is about acceleration.  S.3 pg. 380 is about motion and fundamental forces.  The study guide is due Wednesday the 20th.

Tuesday- Students are going to watch a Mythbusters clip about Free fall and acceleration.  Then they will participate in a Reaction Time Lab. Lab is due on Wednesday.

Wednesday- Students will trade and grade their Ch 11 Study Guide.  Then they will play a review game to get them ready for the test on Friday.

Thursday- Students will take the Discovery Education Science Test.  Then they can review for their Ch 11 Test on Friday.

Friday- Chapter 11 Test.  Extra credit will be given after the test.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March 11-15

Weekly Lesson Plans March 11th-15th

Monday- Students took theirChapter 11 Vocab Quiz.  Then students took notes and had discussion over Ch 11 S.3 about Fundamental Forces.  Students watched a Mythbusters clip about 360 degree motion and whether or not a person on their own can go all the way around on a swing set.  No homework.

Tuesday- Students had the chance to watch two centrapedal demonstrations done by the teacher- one standing and one sitting.  Then they had the chance to try either one if they wanted to.  Then students worked on a Review packet about Chapter 11 S.1 Speed, Distance, Time, S.2 Acceleration and S.3 Fundamental Forces.  Review Packet is due on Wednesday.

Wednesday- Mentoring Day.  Students will watch a clip about how Norway broke the world record for the number of dominoes to be knocked over.  Then they will participate in a lab called Bubble Gum Physics.  Lab is due on Thursday.

Thursday- Students will be trying out a new lab about speed and acceleration with incline planes.

Friday- Half day. Students will be trading and grading the review packet in order to review some of the important concepts from chapter 11. 

Reminder: Students have a test over Chapter 11 on Friday March 22. This will be the first test for 4th quarter.

Monday, March 4, 2013

March 4-8

Weekly Lesson Plans March 4th-8th

Monday- Students will take a Pre Test over Chapter 11 Motion.  Students will complete their Motion on Motion activity that they started on Friday.  The activity is due at the end of the period.  Homework- Chapter 11 Vocab pg. 389 10 words.

Tuesday- BR # 37 1. What is motion?  2. Give three examples of motion.  Students will take notes and have discussion over Chapter 11 S.1.  Homwork: Chapter 11 S.1 Worksheet.

Wednesday- BR # 38 1. Logan rode his bike 60km in 4 hours.  How fast was he going?  2.  Matt rode his bike 90km in 6 hours.  How fast was he going?  3.  Who was the fastest bike rider?  Students will do the Measuring Speed Lab and then work on their homework- speed, distance, and time problems.

Thursday- BR # 39 1. Olivia can pitch a baseball a distance of 50m in 2s.  How fast is her pitch?  2.  How long does it take a bird to fly 200km if it travels ar a speed of 50km/h?  3.  A person in a kayak paddles down river at a average speed of 15km/h.  After 3.25 hours, how far have they traveled?  Students will take notes and have discussion over Chapter 11 S.2.  Homework: Acceleration Practice Problems. 

Friday-  Chapter 11 Vocab Quiz.  Students will have notes and discussion over Chapter 11 S.3 Forces and Friction.  Students will watch a Mythbusters clip about Force and Free Fall.  No homework. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Feb 25-March 1

Weekly Lesson Plans February 25th- March 1st

Monday- Chapter 22 Test.  Extra Credit will be given after the test.  Journals #29-35 are also due.

Tuesday- History in the Rocks fossil activity.   Students will apply the law of superposition to the sample rock columns.  Demonstrate the use of index fossils for determining relative and absoloute ages.  Evaluate the usefulness of different methods for determining relative and absolute ages.

Wednesday- Students will watch a NOVA program about The Four Winged Dionosaur.

Thursday- Students will watch a BBC Documentary about The Atmosphere

Friday- Motion on Mition.  Students will be introduced to speed, distance, and time.  They will go to the cafeteria to practice different types of motion and see how that affects their speed, distance, and time.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Feb 18-22

Weekly Lesson Plans February 18th-22nd

Monday- No School

Tuesday- Ch 22 Vocab Quiz (15 words).  Students will have the rest of hte period to work on their Chapter 22 Study Guide due on Wednesday.

Wednesday- Students will trade and grade the study guide and play the review game.

Thursday- Chapter 22 Test, Extra credit will be given after the test.

Friday- Students will watch a video about Geologic Time.  They will have to describe the geologic setting, life, and climate for each time period discussed in the video. 

Important: Journals will be collected on Monday February 25th.  Students should have bellringers #26-35.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Feb 11-15

Weekly Lesson Plans February 11th-15th

Monday- BR # 36 Read "Surviving Natural Disasters" pg. 793 Answer question 1 in your journal.  Students have the rest of the period to work on their Greenhouse Effect Lab Graph (from Friday, due Tuesday).  Students can also work on outlining Chapter 22 S.3 out of the book.  Section 3 is on page 789.  The graph and outline are homework. 

Tuesday- Students will be working on the Prehistoric Climate Activity.  They will be observing fossils of leaves and use math to determine their age.

Wednesday- Students will start watching Twister.  There is a questions sheet that goes along with the video.

Thursday- Students will continue to watch Twister

Friday- Students will finish watching Twister. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Feb 4-8

Weekly Lesson Plans February 4th-8th

Monday- Students will take the Chapter 21 Test.  Extra Credit will be given out after the test.

Tuesday- BR # 34 1. Which layer of the atmosphere is the closest to Earth? 2. Which layer of the atmosphere is the farthest away? 3. Which layer of the atmosphere is the coldest?  Students will take notes and have discussion over Chapter 22 S.1 Characteristics of the Atmosphere. Homework: Chapter 22 S.1 Review Questions pg. 780 #1-7.

Wednesday- Students will haev a Quiz over Chapter 22 S.1.  After the Quiz, students will have the rest of the period to work on the Graphing the Atmosphere Activity. 

Thursday- BR #35 Read "Harnessing the wind" pg. 788 Answer question 2 in your journal.  Students will watching a youtube clip about Bats and Wind Energy.  Students will take notes and have discussion over Chapter 22 S.2 Water and Wind.  Homework: Cloud and water Cycle sheet, and Chapter 22 S.2 Review Questions pg. 787 #1-7.

Friday- Students will have a quiz over Chapter 22 S.2.  Students will set up The Greenhouse Effect Lab.  Students will work on keeping time and records for the lab.  They will also so the Chapter 22 Vocab 15 words pg. 799. Lab and Vocab are due on Monday.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jan 28-Feb 1

Weekly Lesson Plans January 28th-February 1st

Monday- Students are finishing the rock lab. Rocks #31-40.

Tuesday- BR#33  1. What is erosion? 2. How does wind cause erosion? 3. How does weather cause erosion? 4. How does ice cause erosion? Students will take notes and have discussion over Chapter 21 S.4 about weathering and erosion.  Homework: Chapter 21 S.4 Questions pg. 761 #1-9
Wednesday- Chapter 21 Study Guide. Due Friday.

Thursday- Grand Canyon Video.  Reviewing the chapter about weathering and erosion.

Friday- Trade and grade the Chapter 21 Study Guide.  Play the Gameshow Review.

Chapter 21 Test on Monday!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jan 21-25

Weekly Lesson Plans January 21st-25th

Monday- No School

Tuesday- students will watch a clip about Rocks of Ages discussing some ways that geologists age rocks. Then students will take notes on Chapter 21 S.3 about Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks. Homework- Seafloor Sediments and how they unravel past climate change.

Wednesday- Students will start a rock lab. Students will be examining 10 minerals, 10 igneous rocks, 10 sedimentary rocks, and 10 metamorphic rocks.  Students will be explaining physical characteristics for each rock- color, luster, cleavage or fracture, uses, how it formed etc.  Students will be focusing on rocks #1-10.

Thursday- Students continue to work on the rock lab focusing on rocks #11-20.

Friday- students continue to work on the rock lab focusing on rocks #21-30.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Jan 14-18

Weekly Lesson Plans January 14th-18th

Monday- Finding the Epicenter of and Earthquake Lab

Tuesday- BR #30 Read Volcanoes and Humans on page 747 and answer question 1.  Students will take notes and have discussion over Chapter 21 S.2 Volcanoes.  Homework: Ch 21 S.2 Review Questions pg. 746 #1-8

Wednesday- BR # 31 Read What are Rocks Good For? pg.755 questions 1 and 2.  7 minute video clip over Monitoring the Mt. Augustine Volcano.  Students will take notes and have discussion over Ch 21 S.3 Minerals.  Homework- Hydrothermal Vents and Volcanoes and Climate Change.

Thursday- BR #32 How would you characterize a mineral?  9 minute Video Clip How to Identify Minerals.  Students will take notes over Ch 21 S.3 Minerals physical properties and Igneous Rocks.  Homework- Asbestos: What are the risks?

Friday- Half day.  Assembly in the morning.  Shortened class periods. Video clip about Exploring the Earth. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Jan 7-11

Weekly lesson plans January 7th-11th

Monday- Opening activity on Pangea. Students will take notes and have discussion over Earth's physical layers and plate tectonics. Students will watch an eleven minute video clip about Exploring the Earth. Homework: Drilling into the Earth and Inge Lehmann.

Tuesday- BR# 28 1. List the three layers of the Earth and their temperatures. Students will take notes and have discussion over Plate Boundaries. Homework: chapter 21 section 1 review questions page 737 # 1-8.

Wednesday- BR# 29 1. What is the Richter Scale? 2. What is the greatest magnitude on the Richter Scale? 3. Where would an earthquake of this magnitude be felt? Students will take notes and have discussion over chapter 21 section 2 about Earthquakes. Homework: Earthquakes East of the Rockies.

Thursday- Students watch the video Earthquake Proof House and answer the questions.

Friday- Chapter 21 vocab quiz. Students finish watching the movie Earthquake Proof House and turn in their video sheet.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Jan 1-4

Weekly Lesson Plans January 1st-4th

Monday-  No School

Tuesday- No School

Wednesday- Teacher's Institute

Thursday- BR # 26 What is Geology? List four things that Geologists study.  Students will watch a 2 minute video clip titled "What is Geology?".  Students will take notes and have discussion over Chapter 21 An Introduction to Geology.  Homework: Ch 21 Vocab pg. 765 21 words due Monday.

Friday- BR #27 What are the physical environments that the Earth is divided into?  Students will take notes and have discussion over Ch 21 Earth as a System and Earth's Interior.  Video Clip 7 minutes, "Inside Our Planet". Homework: Ch 21 Vocab pg. 765 21 words due Monday.

Chapter 21 Planet Earth

Chapter 21 pages 726-769

Chapter 21 Overview
This chapter discusses the composition of Earth's interior and the theory of plate tectonics.  The chapter also covers the causes and classification of earthquakes and volcanoes.  The chapter then introduces students to the types and properties of rocks and the rock cycle.  Finally, this chapter covers the concepts of physical weathering, chemical weathering, and erosion. 

Chapter Goals- Students will be able to explain:
Chapter 21 S.1 Earth's Interior and Plate Tectonics
1. How is Earth's interior structured?
2. How has the appearance of Earth changed over time?
3. What geologic features are common near tectonic plate boundaries?
Chapter 21 S.2 Earthquakes and Volcanoes
1. Where do most earthquakes occur?
2. How do scientists learn about earthquakes and the Earth's interior?
3. What is a volcano?
Chapter 21 S.3 Minerals and Rocks
1. What minerals make up rocks?
2. How are scientists able to tell how old a rock is?
Chapter 21 S.4 Weathering and Erosion
1. How does physical weathering affect rocks?
2. How are rocks affected by chemical weathering?
3. What is erosion, and what causes it to happen?

Chapter 21 Vocab
plate tectonics
surface wave
Richter Scale
igneous rock
sedimentary rock
metamorphic rock
acid precipitation