Science is an imaginative adventure of the mind seeking truth in a world of mystery.
Sir Cyril Herman Hinshelwood

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Aug 27-31

Weekly Lesson Plans August 27th-31st
Monday-Students will be watching a video called Scientific Investigations.  The video will be reviewing important concepts from chapter 1 that we have been discussing in class such as the scientific method, and measurements.  Students will have a sheet with questions to fill out during the video.  Homework: Study for the Chapter 1 vocab quiz. Reminder: Chapter 1 Test Friday.

Tuesday-Students will get 5 minutes to look over their vocab.  Students will take the chapter 1 vocab quiz.  Students will work on their study guide for the rest of the period. Homework: Chapter 1 Study Guide

Wednesday- BR# 5 10 metric conversion problems (see power point under forms and documents).  Students will have two sheets with metric conversion problems to complete by Thursday. Homework: Metric conversion practice problems

Thursday- Students will trade and grade their study guide then we will play the Game Show Review to get ready for the test on Friday. Homework: Study for the Chapter 1 Test.

Friday- Chapter 1 Test.  Extra Credit will be offered on the test.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Chapter 1 Overview

Chapter 1 pages 2-39
Chapter 1 Overview
This chapter explains the nature of science, the scientific method of discovery, and the difference between scientific theories and laws.  This chapter also describes how scientists use models and mathematics.  Science skills, math skills, and units of measurement are taught next, followed by organization and presentation of data.  The knowledge and skills gained in this chapter will serve as a foundation for the study of science.
Chapter Goals- Students will be able to explain:
Chapter 1 S.1 The Nature of Science
1. How do scientists explore the world?
2. How are the many types of science organized?
3. What are scientific theories, and how are they different from scientific law?
Chapter 1 S.2 The Way Science Works
1. How can I think and act like a scientist?
2. How do scientists measure things?
Chapter 1 S.3 Organizing Data
1. Why is organizing data and important science skill?
2. How do scientists handle very large and very small numbers?
3. How can you tell the precision of a measurement?

Chapter 1 Vocab
Critical Thinking
Scientific Methods
Scientific Notation
Significant Figure

Absent Students

If you are absent, make sure you check out Forms and Documents on the right side of my blog.  Follow the link to get access to the Chapter 1 Notes.  You can view the daily bellringers in my weekly lesson plans each week or in the power point containing the notes.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Aug 20th-24th

Weekly Lessons August 20th-24th

Monday- I will check that students have a binder and a journal just for my class for 10 points.  Students will participate in a Peanut Lab in which they will be describing, measuring, weighing, and drawing a peanut that they choose out of a bowl.  The goal is to help students understand that when doing lab work they need to be very specific, descriptive, and accurate.  Students will fill out a following directions sheet to help them understand the importance of reading and following all directions.  Students will fill out a get to know you sheet and I will share with the students some of my background and interests.  Students will be assigned a Physical Science textbook. Reminder: Parent signature sheet is due on Tuesday the 21st.

Tuesday- I will collect the parent signature sheet.  I will explain to students that when they write their bellringers in their journal, they need to always put the Bellringer number, write the question/s or the title for the selection that they have to read, and an answer to the question/s. BR#1 1. What is science? 2. How do scientists study the world?  Students will take notes and have discussion over Chapter 1 Section 1 The Naure of Science.  Homework: Chapter 1 Vocab on page 35, there are 15 words that need to be defined. due Wednesday.

Wednesday- I will collect the chapter 1 vocab.  BR#2 Read Leonardo da Vinci on page 13 and answer question 1 in your journal.  Students will take notes and have discussion over Chapter 1 S.2 The Way Science Works.  I will explain how to do metric conversions with the students and go over several examples. Homework: Metric Conversion Worksheet.

Thursday- I will collect the Metric Conversion Worksheet.  BR #3 Read "How the Gateway Arch was Built" on page 29.  Answer both questions in your journal.  Students will take notes and have a discussion over Chapter 1 S.3 Organizing Data.  I will explain to the students how to calculate scientific notation and significant figures and give examples.  Homework: Concept Review: Organizing Data.

Friday- I will collect the Concept Review: Organizing Data.  BR#4 1. Record all of the observations you can about the unlit candle.  2. Record all of the observations you can about the lit candle.  Students will complete the Measurement Lab.  Homework: Metric conversions on the Measurement Lab.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Aug 13th-17th

Weekly Lesson Plans
August 13th-17th

Monday- No School

Tuesday- No School

Wednesday- Teachers Institute

Thursday- Students will get an assigned seat.  I will go over the class syllabus (this is posted on the right side if you want to check it out and see what the students will be learning and doing this year).
Extra Credit: bring in 2 kleenex boxes for 10pts any time starting Friday the 17th until Friday the 31st. 
Homework: Get a notebook (journal) and a 3 ring binder just for my class.  I will check that you have both for 10 points on Monday the 20th. If students cannot get these supplies they need to talk to me before class on Monday.

Friday- I will go over classroom rules with the students (also posted on the right).  I will also be going over how late passes work in my class, how to write a lab report, and how to outline a chapter.  Students will get sheets for all of these topics and they will be expected to keep all of them in their binder.
Homework: Students will get a parent signature sheet.  Their second assignment is to share my classroom rules with you and have you sign the sheet stating that you both have read and understand my rules especially the late passes.  The sheet is due at the beginning of class on Tuesday the 21st for 10 points.


Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to my blog!  The purpose for creating this blog is to help connect you with what is going on in my classroom. I will be posting weekly lesson plans, chapter summaries, chapter notes, pictures, and other important information about the class and science in the news. I hope that all of this information is helpful to you.

Mrs. Stallings